Tag Archives: St Augustine of Hippo

Solemnity of the Ascension

AscensionLow Mass will be offered today at 5:30 p.m. at St. Stanislaus Church, New Haven.

Consider a reflection on the Ascension of the Lord from St. Augustine:

“Today our Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven; let our hearts ascend with him. Listen to the words of the Apostle: ‘If you have risen with Christ, set your hearts on the things that are above where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God; seek the things that are above, not the things that are on earth.’ For just as he remained with us even after his Ascension, so we too are already in heaven with him, even though what is promised us has not yet been fulfilled in our bodies.”

 Noli me tangere

Don't touch me“Why are you troubled, and there are doubts in your heart? Look at my hands and my feet, feel me and see”, says the Lord (Lk 24, 38f)

St. Augustine preached, “Was He perhaps already ascended to the Father when He said: ‘Touch me and see’? He let His disciples touch Him, indeed, not only touch but feel, to provide a foundation for faith in the reality of His flesh, in the reality of His body. The well-foundedness of the reality had to be made obvious also through human touch. Thus He let Himself be touched by the disciples”.

Will you touch the Lord, and more, will you allow the Lord to touch you?