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Annual Purgatorial Society Mass

We have all suffered the loss of loved ones. The profound separation that we undergo in the body, the Church teaches us that we remain united to those who have died by faith and prayer. The dead are aware of our prayers for them, and the saints and souls in Purgatory pray for us, awaiting reunion with us as we do with them.

The Purgatorial Society as part of the Church Militant during the month of November will offer a High Mass and special prayers, and a monthly Low Mass, for the deceased whose names are given to us. Mass and prayer assist the deceased in their process of being purified of any impurities that remained at their deaths. These Masses and prayers are efficacious as the saints have taught.

The 2022 Purgatorial  Solemn High Mass for those enrolled in the Society will be offered on Thursday, November 10th at 7:30 p.m.

For more information:

Please send the names of your beloved deceased (the form can be found on SGS website at the link above) and donation to:

The Saint Gregory Society
P.O. Box 891
New Haven, CT 06504


TLM at St Augustine’s

The Traditional Latin Mass is offered each Tuesday at 6pm at St Augustine Church, 30 Caputo Road, North Branford. The pastor, Fr Robert Turner, is the celebrant.

Confessions are heard prior to the Mass at 5:30pm.

Once a month there is a Missa Cantata which is announced.