
“What a spectacle for heaven and earth is not the Church at prayer! For centuries without interruption, from midnight to midnight, the divine psalmody of the inspired canticles is repeated on earth; there is no hour of the day that is not hallowed by its special liturgy; there is no stage of human life that has not its part in the thanksgiving, praise, supplication, and reparation of this common prayer of the Mystical Body of Christ, which is The Church.”
                                                                                                                 Pope Pius XI

The Saint Gregory Society of New Haven is a non-profit lay association founded in 1985 to promote the local celebration of the Traditional Latin Liturgy according to the Tridentine Missal in response to the Papal indult of October 3, 1984, Quattuor abhinc annos, which granted the use of the liturgical books in force in 1962.

The Traditional Latin Mass began regularly in January, the Feast of the Holy Family, 1986, at the Sacred Heart Church in downtown New Haven. When the Archdiocese of Hartford closed Sacred Heart Church in 2009, the Society moved the celebration of the Latin Mass to Saint Stanislaus Church (also in New Haven), a parish administered by the Congregation of the Mission –the Vincentian Fathers.

In early 2024 the Archdiocese removed permission for the Traditional Latin Mass to be offered at Saint Stanislaus Church; however, the Society continues to advocate for the needs of the faithful who desire to attend Mass offered in this venerable form.

The Saint Gregory Society exists primarily to advocate the preservation of the immemorial rite of the Mass, to work for its celebration on a regular and unrestricted basis, and to disseminate information about and cultivate interest in the classical Roman liturgy and its central importance for Catholic faith and culture.

For nearly forty years the Society supported a professional Schola Cantorum that provides the proper Gregorian chant and sacred polyphony for all sung liturgical functions sponsored by the Society.

For further information about the Society and its work, please e-mail saintgregorysociety@gmail.com.

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Special thanks to Douglas Turecek for the excellent photographs of the Society’s 20th Anniversary Mass in November 2006 which appear on these pages.

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