High Mass for the First Sunday of Advent

The first Sunday in Advent will be observed in a celebration of High Mass in the traditional Latin form on Sunday, November 27, at 2:00 pm at St. Stanislaus Church, State Street at Eld Street, New Haven.  The Reverend Richard G. Cipolla, Pastor Emeritus of St. Mary’s Church, Norwalk will be the celebrant.

During the season of Advent, the Church reflects upon the twofold coming of our Savior: His birth at Bethlehem which will enlighten the world until the end of time, and His return at the last judgment when He comes to condemn the guilty to the flames and call the just with a loving voice to heaven.

Let us prepare for the Christmas feast by holy prayers and fasting and by reforming our lives, that we may be ready for that last great assize upon which depends the fate of our soul for all eternity. And all this with confidence for those “who wait upon the Lord will never be confounded” as expressed in the Introit, Gradual and Offertory of the Mass on this day.

Music for this service will include the Gregorian Mass Ordinary XI (“Orbis factor”), the Gregorian chant proper for the first Sunday in Advent (“Ad te levavi,” the hymn “Conditor alme siderum” by Guillaume Dufay, and the motet“Alma Redemptoris mater” by Felice Anerio.

High Mass for the Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost

The Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost will be observed in a celebration of High Mass at St. Stanislaus Church, State Street at Eld Street in New Haven, on Sunday, 13 November, at 2:00 pm. The Reverend Richard G. Cipolla, Pastor Emeritus of St. Mary’s Church, Norwalk, will be the celebrant. The Schola Cantorum of the St. Gregory Society will sing the Gregorian chant and polyphony for the service.

The Gospel for this Sunday presents Jesus raising the daughter of Jairus from the dead as an example of the great power and mercy of God.  So will His divine power raise up our bodies at the last Day.

We should remember that we are closely concerned with this great work of salvation, and that it is wrought on our behalf. With the Church we should ask God to vouchsafe in His goodness that what He has begun in us, His unworthy servants, He will mercifully complete.

Music for the liturgy will include Gregorian Mass XI (Orbis factor), motets by Gabriel Fauré (Ave Maria) and Camille Saint-Saëns (Ave verum Corpus), the Gregorian chant proper of the feast (Dicit Dominus), and organ music by Ernest Chausson and Leon Boëllmann.

Annual St. Gregory Purgatorial Society High Mass of Requiem

The annual St. Gregory Purgatorial Society High Mass of Requiem will be offered this Thursday evening, November 10, at 7:30 p.m. at St. Stanislaus Church for members and friends of the Society as well as those enrolled in the Saint Gregory Purgatorial Society .  The Reverend Robert  L. Turner, Pastor of St. Ambrose Parish, North Branford, will be the celebrant.  This beautiful Mass of the Dead offered in the traditional rite is one of the most edifying experiences to be had by a faithful Christian. We urge our members and friends to attend and to enroll departed family members and friends in the Purgatorial Society for 2022-23. Please click the ”Purgatorial Society” button to the left for further information and access to the enrollment form.

Mass for the Feast of All Saints

The Feast All Saints will be observed in a celebration of Low Mass at St. Stanislaus Church, State Street at Eld Street in New Haven, on Tuesday, 1 November, at 5:30 pm. The Reverend Peter Lenox, Episcopal Vicar for Liturgy and Worship, Diocese of Bridgeport, will be the celebrant.

Solemn High Mass for the Feast of Christ the King

The Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King will be observed in a celebration of Solemn High Mass and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Stanislaus Church, State Street at Eld Street in New Haven, on Sunday, 31 October, at 2:00 pm. The Reverend Canon Joel Estrada, ICKSP, Pastor of St. Patrick’s Parish and Oratory, Waterbury will be the celebrant, and The Reverend Robert L. Turner, Pastor of St. Ambrose Parish, North Branford, will be the deacon.

Pope Pius XI instituted the feast of Christ the King in his Encyclical Letter Quas primas of 1925. This letter explained how laïcism and secularism by organizing society without any reference to God, lead to the apostasy of the masses and the ruin of society because of their complete denial of Christ’s Kingship, which is one of the greatest heresies of our time. The Pope proposed this feast as an annual liturgical assertion of Christ’s divine right of Kingship as an effective means of combating this pernicious heresy.

By its position on the last Sunday in October, towards the end of the Liturgical Year and just before the All Saints’ Day, the feast of Christ the King comes at the climax of the celebration of all Christ’s mysteries and a kind of earthly anticipation of his everlasting reign over the elect in the glory of heaven.

Music for the liturgy sung by the Schola Cantorum of the St. Gregory Society will include the Gregorian Mass Ordinary IV, the motets “Gloria tibi” by Wm. Byrd,  and “O Sacrum Convivium” by Ludovico Viadana, the Gregorian chant proper of the feast (“Dignus est agnus”), and organ music by William Byrd and Orlando Gibbons.