Purgatorial Mass 2020

The annual  High Mass for those enrolled in the Purgatorial Society will be offered on Saturday, November 21st at 11:00 a.m. at St. Stanislaus Church, New Haven.

Fr. Richard Cipolla will be the celebrant and homilist.

The form for enrolling your family and friends may be found on the Purgatorial Society’s page. Or, you may email the St. Gregory Society and the enrollment form can be emailed to you. The address: saintgregorysociety@gmail.com

Solemn Latin Mass this Sunday

The schedule of High Masses at Saint Stanislaus Church in New Haven will resume on Sunday, October 4, at 2:00 pm, with the observation of the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. The Celebrant will be Father Richard G. Cipolla, Rector Emeritus of St. Mary’s Church, Norwalk, and the Deacon will be Father Robert Turner, Pastor of St. Ambrose Parish, North Branford. Members of the Schola Cantorum of the Saint Gregory Society will perform the Gregorian chants for the service.

Instituted by Pope Pius V as the feast of Our Lady of Victory to commemorate the defeat of the Ottoman Turks at Lepanto in 1571, which was attributed to the power of the Rosary, the title of the feast was changed to Our Lady of the Rosary by Pope Gregory XIII.

According to pious tradition the Rosary was given to Saint Dominic by the Blessed Virgin Mary during her apparition to him during the year 1214. He propagated this prayer in his campaign against the Albigensian heresy, and the devotion subsequently spread throughout Christendom over the centuries. In this time of great challenges to Christian faith and morals, let us have recourse to this most powerful defense against the snares and deceptions of the evil one.

Please bring family and friends to participate in this festive celebration. Music for the service performed by the Schola Cantorum of the Saint Gregory Society, will include the Gregorian chant Mass of Our Lady (“Cum jubilo, Vatican ed. IX), the chant propers of the feast, polyphonic motets, and organ music.

New Haven’s Latin Mass during Covid

Catholics throughout the world have been confronted with a serious obstacle to the practice of their faith by the Covid-19 pandemic during these past months: access to the sacraments, the heart of religious life, has been challenged by possible mortal health consequences. Submission to local authorities, both religious and civil, limited this access significantly during the late spring with the closing of churches for the public celebration of Mass. Beginning in July, public celebration of the Eucharist resumed with carefully defined restrictions, including the wearing of masks and social distancing directives.

In the New Haven community, we rejoice that the Traditional Latin Mass is again celebrated at St. Stanislaus Church every Sunday at 2:00 pm and on the First Friday of each month at 8:00 am. At. present, only Low Mass is offered, owing to the challenges presented by the pandemic with regard to the physical interaction among servers and choir members at High Mass.

The Saint Gregory Society invites all who are committed to the Traditional Liturgy, as well as those who would like to learn more about it, to attend these services and make their availability known to others.

We also encourage all those who visit this page frequently to have recourse to the “Prayer in Time of Pestilence” below.

Latin Mass to resume

We rejoice that after these long months of liturgical eclipse owing to the corona virus pandemic, regular public celebration of the Eucharist will resume in the Archdiocese of Hartford next weekend. The Traditional Latin Masses at St. Stanislaus Church will resume with the First Friday Mass on July 3 at 8:00 am, and Sunday Mass at 2:00 pm on July 5.

We include here the note from the Pastor regarding the reopening:

Dear Parishioners,
It is with great joy that I share with you the long-awaited news. Archbishop Blair has made the decision to open the churches for Sunday Masses next weekend, July 4th & 5th, with a limit of 100 people per Mass. If people are maintaining the six-foot distance between them, after marking off the pews, there are 60 single places in our church. Taking into account the fact that the people coming to Mass are often spouses and families who may sit together, it is apparent that in our situation, there is room for all. Masses will be celebrated according to the normal Sunday schedule. In addition to maintaining a six-foot distance, there is an obligation to wear a mask as soon as you enter the church. I am already filled with joy in anticipation of our meeting after such a long hiatus. I greet you cordially and assure you of my prayers. I look forward to when we will see each other again!!!

Fr. Tadeusz

Please visit this website for any updates regarding other precautions or scheduling.