Category Archives: Sacred Liturgy
August liturgical feasts
Mass Schedule for the summer
Please note that the Latin Mass for the summer months 2016 is Low Mass. On Sundays it is at 2:00pm. On First Fridays at 8:00am and the Solemnity of the Assumption at 8:00am.
The High Mass with the SGS Choir will resume on Sunday, September 18th.
Corpus Christi Sunday
Holy Trinity
Today, we celebrate the feast of the most Holy Trinity. This doctrine reveals to us the relationally in the Godhead made known through Jesus Christ, our risen Lord. But don’t make the mistake by saying that we are required to believe in the Trinity as an article of faith. The Trinity is not a mere point of our Christian belief. Saint Paul tells us that we are meant to be living union with God; living in union is not a matter of article of a belief system. The Apostle who demonstrates that our union is made possible through prayer, that is, being in relation with God. Hence we pray to God “The Father through the Son in the Holy Spirit” (Eph 2: 18–22). Hence, our Catholic faith “arises from man’s deepest experiences with God. It comes from the genuine living knowledge of those who have come to know God in faith.”
But all this comes from “Pentecost, as Jesuit Father Steve Bonian teaches that at “Pentecost [when] the Spirit manifested the Father and the Son, with the great love between them, that spills into our world as our salvation.
“God’s graciousness as a most-loving Trinity is beautifully expressed in the joyous greeting in the letter of Saint Paul today: From Christ we receive “grace”; from the Father “love”; and from the Spirit “fellowship”. We are made members of God’s household; we are the divinely adopted children of God through Christ; his Spirit dwells in us; now we are “temples of his holy Name!”.